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TNTP Academy-Louisiana

TNTP Academy – Louisiana is a one-year alternate teacher certification program. Participants complete online coursework and receive in-classroom evaluation and feedback. With deep roots in New Orleans and a proven track record for high-quality professional teacher training, TNTP Academy is a preferred certification program for thousands of aspiring teachers.

A teacher works on a laptop
Brittney Blunt reviews materials after a third-grade class at Langston Hughes Academy

Certification Areas

Participants in TNTP Academy can pursue certification in the following areas:

  • Early Childhood Education (grades Pre-K-3)
  • Elementary Education (grades 1-5)
  • English Language Arts- Middle School (grades 4-8)
  • Mathematics- Middle School (grades 4-8)
  • Science- Middle School (grades 4-8)
  • English Language Arts- High School (grades 6-12)
  • Mathematics- High School (grades 6-12)
  • General Science- High School (grades 6-12)
  • Biology- High School (grades 6-12)
  • Chemistry- High School (grades 6-12)
  • Physics- High School (grades 6-12)

Additionally, participants can pursue Special Education certification for grades 1-5, 4-8, or 6-12. Special Education certification must be pursued in conjunction with one of the subject-specific certification areas listed above.

Program Structure

The TNTP Academy participant experience consists of three components:

  • Online Content Coursework: Develop content expertise through online coursework.
  • Module Labs: Implement and practice what you learn in virtual group coaching sessions.
  • Evaluation: Receive evaluation and feedback through TNTP’s Assessment of Classroom Effectiveness (ACE).

Online Content Coursework

TNTP Academy courses for all content areas are offered online, giving you the flexibility to complete course assignments within the space and timeframe that best fits your learning style while also balancing coursework completion with the demands of your first-year teaching responsibilities.

Coursework is completed via the TNTP Blackboard Learning Portal. It is designed to give you the knowledge and tools you need as a teacher certified in your subject area and is created by content area experts. Online content coursework allows you to build your content knowledge through reading, activities and group discussions. You’ll apply what you learn to your specific classroom context in the form of culminating assignments, video analysis, and responsive coaching sessions.

Note: Participants taking Special Education coursework are receiving two certificates from the Louisiana Department of Education: one in Special Education and one in another content area (i.e. Elementary Education, General Science, etc.). You will be expected to complete coursework in both areas, which will increase the demands on your time during an already busy year.

Module Labs

Module Labs are held virtually once every two weeks. These provide participants with an opportunity to engage in action-oriented group coaching activities including planning, practice, and support with implementation of module content.


In addition to successful course completion, participants’ classroom performance and students’ growth will be evaluated using TNTP’s Assessment of Classroom Effectiveness (ACE). ACE uses classroom observations, a principal evaluation, and student surveys to provide a multiple-measure view of participants’ effectiveness at the end of the program.

TNTP will only recommend candidates for certification who demonstrate effectiveness through successful course completion and ACE passage.

Program Calendar

TNTP Academy begins in August and runs through May. The program is broken into four cycles:

  • Cycle 1- August-October
  • Cycle 2- October-December
  • Cycle 3- January-March
  • Cycle 4- March-May

Admission Requirements

All participants must meet the Louisiana Department of Education’s requirements for a practitioner license by the start of the program. In addition to submitting a license application and the $50 fee to the Louisiana Department of Education, participants must:

  • Have their bachelor’s degree from a regionally accredited college or university by June 1 with a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.5.
  • Have passed the Praxis II in their certification area. Please see the Louisiana Department of Education’s website for information about which test you need to take for your certification area.

To enroll, all required Praxis exams must be passed by August 31.


TNTP Academy tuition is $4,700. While participants cannot currently use AmeriCorps grant money to pay for our program, we do allow our tuition to be divided into 10 monthly installments. This ensures that TNTP Academy is among the least expensive ways to earn your Level 1 Certificate.

John Hopkin’s Master’s Degree Opportunity

After successful completion of TNTP Academy, participants will have the option to enroll in an online program to earn a Master of Science in Education degree from the Johns Hopkins University.

This program is designed to build on the TNTP Academy training experience, with collaborative spaces for experiential learning through TNTP Academy to be applied toward Johns Hopkins University master’s degree requirements. Participants will be able to earn a master’s degree while enjoying savings achieved through a reduced course load.

For frequently asked questions about this program, please click here.


If you have any questions about TNTP Academy, please contact Carol O’Hea at