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Teachers Expanding Their Reach
Students at Langston Hughes Academy being led to their classroom by their teacher

Louisiana Special Education Add-On Program

Teachers Expanding Their Reach

Dates & Details


To be considered for the program, you must:

  • currently be certified to teach a general education subject in Louisiana;
  • be a teacher of record in a Louisiana school;
  • and, be able to commit to 10 hours a week of professional development for a full school year.


The program begins in August with flexible requirements that allow participants to join from any location. It continues through the school year with online coursework, periodic coaching, and virtual development sessions. We will cover the following topics:

  • Cycle 1: Introduction to Special Education
  • Cycle 2: Understanding and Planning for Student Needs
  • Cycle 3: Collaborating to Teach Foundational Skills
  • Cycle 4: Preparing Students for College and Career

The program offers a full continuum of research-based preparation experiences that lead participants to become effective special education teachers capable of making a measurable impact on student achievement. Components include:

  • Virtual summer programming
  • Online coursework
  • Individualized development sessions
  • Periodic observations and coaching
  • Webinar-based discussions
  • Student growth portfolio


In addition to successful course completion, teacher performance will be evaluated as it relates to their performance in the classroom and their students’ growth and mastery of IEP goals and objectives. During the school year, Residents will be evaluated using TNTP’s Assessment of Classroom Effectiveness (ACE).  ACE uses classroom observations, a principal evaluation, and student surveys to provide a multiple-measure view of candidates’ effectiveness at the end of the program.

In addition to ACE, Residents will be required to complete a student growth portfolio, an opportunity for Residents to demonstrate their effectiveness as a special educator capable of increasing student achievement. Residents will be required to submit work products and student data as evidence of their effectiveness in the following four performance areas in the Special Education off-stage skills rubric: goals-based planning, case management, collaboration, and advocacy.

TNTP will only recommend candidates for certification who demonstrate effectiveness through successful course completion, successful completion of the Student Growth Portfolio, and ACE passage.


TNTP Academy tuition and fees total $4,700. Payment plans are available. If you are interested in pursuing a loan to assist with tuition expenses, you must do so independently, as eligibility varies.